I realize these photos are repetitive. Get over yourself.
Today I was at the IHSA journalism sectionals and it was held at Columbia College. Sure, seeing other high school's that are much more diverse than mine, sizing up the competition, and realizing how sub par my artistic ability is comparatively was fun and all. What I enjoyed most was a brief tour of the journalism building at the college.
After about two minutes into the tour I knew that this school would definitely be a top contender on my inconsistent list thoughts about college.
The school is in the south loop and the campus is a metropolitan city, which, frankly, is exactly what I want. The classroom's are real life newsrooms, editing studios, and workshops. This school basically feels like the real deal and will fully prepare you for a career in the future.
Although nothing will be definite for a while, this tour got me a little more excited.
Oh yeah! Almost forgot. My school came in second overall and I came in fourth for editorial cartooning [emoji praise hands].