Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Green Juice Trend

How do y'all feel about juice? Sure, you've heard of apple juice, orange juice, maybe you're a fan of grape juice. But what about a cold pressed blend of kale, spinach, apple, celery, cucumber, ginger, and lemon? Does that sound as appealing to you as it does to me? Maybe not. 

Clearly the juice cleanse craze is not new. In fact, the moment celebs like Lea Michelle and Nicole Richie started toting around health juices like they were an accessory, everyone took notice. When I say "everyone" I mostly mean upper-middle class people who most likely just walked out of a hot yoga class. 

The juice frenzy is a trend just like how high waisted jeans or Sperry Topsiders are a trend. They may not stay in style for long, but everyone around us is doing it so, therefore, societal standards tell you, "Hey! Pssst! Look around. There's this green thing that people are drinking and they look super cool- you should try it!" 

It's funny how oftentimes we neglect the fact that food trends are just as apparent as clothing trends or music trends. One minute the hot topic is quinoa, the next minute everyone is raving about kale. First it's shirts with penguins or polo horses on them, the next thing you know everyone has a pink whale on their pocket. 

But are these trends necessarily here to stay? Keeping up with anything current is expensive. One month something like bucket hats may be in and then 5 months later the industry will have moved on to something more exciting, causing the consumer to follow. 

The juice cleanse industry knows their target audience: the workout addict, mom of 3, and carries a Givenchy tote all at the same time. They also know that by marketing their products in convenient super markets, like Mariano's or Whole Foods, others can splurge as well. So maybe the craze will last! In any case, Crate and Barrel sells a juicer for $100 and you can easily squeeze vegetables down a valve at your pleasure.

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