Saturday, August 8, 2015

Currently Reading...

I've been doing something odd this summer. Reading. A book, that is. I'm constantly reading articles online and in magazines but decided to switch things up a little. 

About three weeks ago I finished the first Harry Potter book in three days. I moved onto the second one and finished that in another three days. I'm currently moving through the third. I'm officially obsessed. My cousin Charlie had recommended the series to me and, although hesitant at first, I'm so happy I dove in.

So why is it that I'm just now reading Harry Potter? Well, when I was younger and everyone was into it, I, in true Carly Travis nature, thought I was too cool for the trend. I figured if that many people liked the same thing, how can I? I was wrong. The books are so well written and, while reading, your brain feels like it's on vacation. You're transported into the world of Hogwarts; it's fun, easy, and relaxing.

I recently finished another book, Stitches. I have to read this for school and I was excited they assigned it because it's a graphic novel which means it looks just like a comic book but it's content is far superior to Superman. 

I finished it during the length of 2 train rides (about an hour and a half) and I have to conclude that it was really dark and depressing. Although well written and illustrated, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. 

Anyway, this weekend I plan on finishing the 3rd Harry Potter book. I'll keep you posted on my 2nd grade reading level endeavors.

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